jnjburkett – Sorry for calling you a troll. Your posts about the YMCA and you knowing active J-dubs who go regularly struck me as odd. I grew up in South East Washington state and I remember my mom shitting all over the YMCA and how we, as witnesses, should never go there. I was born-in in 1983 and just left 2 ½ years ago. Many of us have lost a lot because we woke up and left this cult. Be very careful. They can be very persuasive and twist the bible scriptures to fit their belief system.
Sorry again and welcome to JWN. Check out and good luck.
diamondiiz How many of you knew about YMCA while being dubs?
I did and never considered it more than thinking it was a “false Christian” organization. I was a typical JW zombie up until about 3 years ago. Maybe it’s a regional thing? In the nearly 10 years I've been here in Colorado, I have never heard anyone mention it.